Publications and Presentations

Knowledge Graphing Art Archives: Methods and Tools from the Semantic Lab’s E.A.T. Project

Pattuelli, M. C., Miller, M., Kaplan, A., and Donohoe, C. (2025). Knowledge Graphing Art Archives: Methods and Tools from the Semantic Lab’s E.A.T. Project. Journal of Open Humanities Data, 11.

Many Projects, One Platform: Renegotiating Semantics Across Knowledge Graphs.

Davis, J., Hwang, K., Kaplan, A., Miller, M., and Pattuelli, M.C. (2024). Many Projects, One Platform: Renegotiating Semantics Across Knowledge Graphs. Presented at the 2024 LD4: Building Community for Linked Open Data Conference. October 7-11, New York, NY. Abstract + Recording

Ethical Expressions of Collective Memory: Re/presenting Central Brooklyn Jazz Oral Histories as Linked Data

Collier, Z. and Adams, S. A. (2023). Ethical Expressions of Collective Memory: Re/presenting Central Brooklyn Jazz Oral Histories as Linked Data. Provo, A., Burlingame, K., & Watson, B.M. (Eds.). Ethics in Linked Data (pp. 325-354). Litwin Books.

The Semantic Lab Wikibase: One stop shop for a multi-project knowledge graph

Davis, J. & Kaplan, A. (July 11, 2023). The Semantic Lab Wikibase: One stop shop for a multi-project knowledge graph. Presented at the 2023 LD4 Conference on Linked Data. A recording of the presentation can be viewed here and slides here.

Inclusive Linked Data for Community Memory Projects

Pattuelli, M. C. (2022). Inclusive Linked Data for Community Memory Projects. Presented at the V International Congreso de la Asociación Argentina de Humanidades Digitales (AAHD): Miradas Desde el Sur, November 17-18, General Roca/Füskü Menuko, Provincia de Río Negro, Argentina. Abstract.

A Base to Build On: Developing Wikibase Tools for GLAM Documents & Data

Miller, M. (July 13, 2022) Presented “A Base to Build On: Developing Wikibase Tools for GLAM Documents & Data” at the 2022 LD4 Conference on Linked Data. A recording of the presentation can be viewed here or slides here.

Semantic Lab at Pratt Institute: Enabling Research through Linked Data

Carlson, J. (April 15, 2022). Semantic Lab presented continued work on the E.A.T. + LOD project as part of Pratt’s annual Research Open House. Presentation can be viewed here.

Wikibase Community User Group Live Session

Carslon, J. (December 30, 2021). Presentation on the use of Wikibase for Semantic Lab projects at the monthly Wikibase Community User Group live session. Information about the meeting and a recording are available here.

Wikibase: Basecamp for the Semantic Lab's Wiki Journey at WikidataCon 2021

Davis, J. (October 31, 2021). “Wikibase: Basecamp for the Semantic Lab’s Wiki Journey” at WikidataCon 2021. Presentation slides can be viewed here.

Graphing Out Communities and Cultures in the Archives: Methods and Tools

Pattuelli, M. C. (2021). Graphing out communities and cultures in the archives: Methods and tools. In Richard P. Smiraglia and Andrea Scharnhorst (Eds.), Linking Knowledge: Linked Open Data for Knowledge Organization and Visualization (pp. 149-166). Ergon-Verlag.

Linking Lost Jazz Shrines Presentation to METRO

Adams, S. A. (October 5, 2021) Presentation of the results of the Linking Lost Jazz Shrines project to METRO on October 5. The project, a collaboration between the Semantic Lab and the Weeksville Heritage Center, was the recipient of one of METRO’s inaugural Equity in Action grants. The slides are available here.

E.A.T + LOD at Hack4OpenGLAM's Creative Commons Global Summit

Siler, M. (September 20, 2021). Presentation of E.A.T. + LOD Project at Hack4OpenGLAM’s Creative Commons Global Summit. Presentation slides can be viewed here.

E.A.T. + LOD at the 2021 LD4 Conference on Linked Data

Siler, M. (July 20, 2021) Presented the E.A.T. + LOD project at the 2021 LD4 Conference on Linked Data poster session. Poster: “Wikibase and Artists Archives: Connecting ‘Experiments in Art and Technology’ Data from the Rauschenberg Archives,” can be viewed on the conference site.

Research Open House: E.A.T. Linked Data Modeling

Siler, M. (April 12, 2021). Presentation of SemLab’s work on the E.A.T. + LOD project as part of Pratt’s annual Research Open House. Presentation: here.

Towards New Data Ecologies: Experimenting with Linked Data in the Archives

Pattuelli, C. (October 22, 2020). Towards new data ecologies: Experimenting with linked data in the archives [presentation]. New York Archives Week Symposium, The Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York.

Linking Lost Jazz Shrines

Adams, S. A. (2020). Linking Lost Jazz Shrines. Collections as Data, Cohort 1, Summative Forum, Jan 17, 2020, The University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

From Uniform Identifiers to Graphs, From Individuals to Communities: What We Talk About When We Talk About Linked Person Data

Pattuelli, M. C. (2018). From uniform identifiers to graphs, from individuals to communities: What we talk about when we talk about linked person data. In F. Ribeiro & M. E. Cerveira (Eds.), Challenges and Opportunities for Knowledge Organization in the Digital Age, Proceedings of the 15th International ISKO Conference. Advances in knowledge organization, Vol. 16. Würzburg: Ergon Verlag, 571-580. DOI: [Abstract]

Local 496 Project: From List to Graph

Adams, S. A., Lachenmayer, Dana, & Toole, Eric. (2018, June 6-8). Local 496 Project: From List to Graph [Poster session]. New York Archives Conference, Albany, NY, United States. Handout from the poster session can be viewed here.

Florentine Renaissance Drawings: A Linked Catalog for the Semantic Web

Klic, L., Nelson, J.K., Pattuelli, M. C., and Provo, A. (2018). Florentine Renaissance Drawings: A linked catalog for the Semantic Web. Art Documentation: Journal of the Arts Libraries Society of North America. (37)1, 33-43. DOI:

Accidental Discovery, Intentional Inquiry: Leveraging Linked Data to Uncover the Women of Jazz

Pattuelli, M. C., Hwang, K.L., and Miller M. (2017). Accidental discovery, intentional inquiry: Leveraging linked data to uncover the women of jazz. DSH: Digital Scholarship in the Humanities. (32)4, 918-924. DOI: